Tuesday, May 22, 2012

My journey to feeling better-GF lifestyle

My body and overall well being has changed dramatically being off gluten since December. I'm still in shock that one simple change like eliminating all gluten items can affect my body so much. What food items have gluten in them you ask? It would take me a long time to write all the items that have gluten in them but wheat, rye, barley, and any foods made with these grains should be avoided. Some examples are pasta, bread, cookies, fried food, lunch meats and soy sauce! So every item I put into my mouth I have to read all the ingredients. Good thing there are so many gluten free items out there to make the cravings for bread and pasta not go ignored.

Thank goodness for my Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist recommending a lifestyle change to minimize my painful sinus issues, migraines and foggy head. I hated her at the time, for some reason I wanted a diagnoses to explain why I had been so miserable for years, not just "change your life and see if it helps." So after my 2nd sinus infection in less then 6 months I decided to give this "lifestyle change" a try. I already had an odd diet being vegetarian and allergic to nuts, so I thought I was doomed and could only eat lettuce forever. To be honest being gluten free is super easy. You have a large variety of gluten free options at all grocery stores.  The key is to read all ingredients and until you have memorized the "do not eat" ingredients, go to the store with a list. It takes time but is well worth it!

I have had a couple of accidental exposure to gluten items since December. Let me tell you it. is. not. fun. at. all. I had forgotten all of the horrible affects and how it lingers for several days. After being off gluten for awhile I was amazed at the other changes that were happening to my body.  The goal was to go off of it to see if it would help my sinus issues, migraines and foggy head, sure enough it has helped so much. Like a dramatic difference. Some other changes I noticed were decrease in my body pains, decrease in nightmares, I'm not a moody biotch like I would get after eating a massive amount of gluten, not sluggish, no more dizziness, less bloated and no more hives! I think my most favorite part of going off of gluten would be the decrease in body pains and sinus issues. I have always had rib issues since I was young and it was getting to the point of excruciating pain every single moment. Guess what? I am able to move without getting sharp pains that used to make me want to vomit and I'm now able to lift weights! I still have a minor dull pain there but it is so much more tolerable. It's amazing how much better my sinuses are. No sinus infections or even colds since I went off gluten! I have had sinus issues since I was a kid and spent hours each month getting allergy shots. I am glad I don't have to do that again and a simple diet change can make such a difference. After doing tons of research and talking with a lot of gluten intolerant people my story matches their story. You either have stomach issues or sinus/body pain issues. By the way I am very thankful I don't have the stomach issues, that. would. suck. majorly. It makes me feel better knowing there are so many other people out there that has had their lives changed for the better by just simply deleting something from their diet. It annoys me beyond belief that people think I'm on the latest trend of eating or its all in my head. How dare somebody dismiss that I'm feeling better because my body can't handle certain foods that go in it! Trust me I would love to be able to eat gluten and nuts(if you want to see me get instant hives and a scratchy throat watch me eat nuts). It scares me that people will put anything in their mouths without knowing the source or how it was genetically modified to taste good. Food has changed over the last 100 years, people can't digest it the same way anymore, our bodies freak out.

I encourage you to do research and pay attention to your body. How does it respond after you eat certain foods? Write down if you start showing odd signs after eating. Try eliminating them if you notice unusual things. Why would you feed your one and only body something it hates?

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad your doctor suggested a lifestyle change and your feeling better. I don't have major problems with gluten but have noticed an increase in energy, more clear-headed and have less congestion when I don't have it.
